The welcoming team of staff is ready to assist our patients through their treatment plans and every step of the way to feel supported through their goals. It’s important to us to promote our values through personal growth, fun activities, and healthy community interactions to have a safe and comfortable environment. New Caanan patients will get their personalized treatment while finding a place to call home in our luxury residences at The Lighthouse.
At Avenues NYC, we offer an environment inclusive of all gender identities; one house for female identifying clients, two houses for male identifying clients, and one all gender house. This allows residents to feel affirmed at home, free to be themselves, and to relax, unwind, and discuss the issues and challenges unique to their experience in recovery. Please explore with admissions regarding which house would feel best for you.
Most people with a SUD have followed their own will, have done as they pleased, and are not used to following rules. Residents of sober living homes learn to reconnect with society while living among peers experiencing similar situations. One study noted abstinence rates improved in one sober living home from 11% at the beginning to 68% at 6- and 12-months. At 18 months, abstinence was a bit lower at 46%, but still significantly better than the time period before they entered the home.
If you have already gone through rehab, but you’re not quite ready to live independently, this type of facility may be an excellent fit for you. In the late 1940s, some AA members decided to fill this pressing need by acquiring low-cost housing that required strict sobriety and encouraged residents to attend AA meetings. These became the first sober houses in California – some of which are still operating today.
In addition to providing a safe and supportive living environment, it’s important to offer residents access to resources and support to help them in their recovery. This may include access to counseling and therapy, support groups, and other recovery resources. Some homes provide yoga, morning meditations, on-campus 12-step meetings, and a slew of other wellness-based practices. A key element of a successful sober living home is the atmosphere and culture it fosters. Make sure your home is welcoming, clean, and well-maintained, and create a set of rules and expectations that promote a sober lifestyle and support residents in their recovery. Do you want to run a low-structure home with residents doing whatever they want?
Sober living homes provide tools to help make a person’s dreams of a substance free lifestyle a reality. Whatever a person’s situation, sober living homes provide an excellent foundation for positive change as people transition from inpatient treatment programs to the outside world. They provide enough structure to keep someone with a SUD on track with their recovery goals, without the intensive monitoring and regulations of an inpatient facility. Three-quarter houses are meant for individuals who have gained confidence in their coping skills and have demonstrated continued sobriety. A good candidate for a three-quarter house is someone who is almost ready to live independently. Three-quarter homes are different from halfway houses and sober living facilities in that they allow for more freedom, yet they still have the support of sober living.
Even choosing the right sober house for you or a loved one can be challenging but essential to be able to reach individuals’ goals. Here at The Lighthouse, we know that not every sober house is safe but want to create a welcoming atmosphere. Our team of highly trained staff wants to share with Stamford, CT clients the vital information about sober living and choosing the right sober house to achieve a successful sober lifestyle. At Turnbridge – an inpatient program in Connecticut – residents work through different phases of addiction treatment. All the while, they still have access to clinical care and support through their treatment program.
Three years is 156 weeks or 1095 days without a drop of alcohol, bar that one time I accidentally had a swig of shandy thinking it was alcohol-free beer, but I've let that one go.
For example, you may be required to live at the facility for at least six months. Other sober living homes may not have any requirements concerning the length of your stay. The admissions staff at a sober living home will be able to answer any other questions you have about sober living costs and they may even offer scholarships or financial assistance. Every sober living home provides different recovery support services and has varying financial requirements, so when in doubt, it is best to ask as many questions as possible.